EURIPA is a unique body in that it is the first regional rural health organisation in the world. EURIPA's principals are:

  • Partnership, sharing and understanding
  • Research and development
  • Education and information
  • Technology and innovation
  • Promotion of health and elimination of health inequalities
  • Development of cost effective, patient centred health care systems
  • Dissemination of good practice

In 1996, the Group of Rural and Isolated Practitioners in Europe, GRAIPE, was established at a meeting in mid Wales.  The following year GRAIPE became EURIPA, the European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association, and was formally established at its first meeting in Palma, Mallorca in 1997.

The latest revision of EURIPA’s Constitution took place at its AGM in in Poland in 2021.

The revised Constitution establishes the International Advisory Board which informs and advises the Executive Committee, at national, regional, level and local levels across Europe.  The Scientific Board is also established to advise on scientific aspects of EURIPA’s work. The revised constitution also establishes the Membership Scheme.

EURIPA’s officers are :

President Oleg Kravtchenko, Norway
President-elect To be elected at the Annual General Meeting in October 2023
Honorary Treasurer Louise Wilson, UK
Executive Secretary   Jane Randall-Smith,  UK