
EURIPA is registered as EURIPA FRANCE in France as a French Association with the registration number 828990895.

Official address is 6 Place Tristan Bernard, 75017, Paris, France.

You may contact us here, our cancellation and refund policy can be seen below.

Cancellation Policy

Registration for Events

The policy regarding cancellation of paid registration fees is as follows:

  • Requests received before the start of late registration: 50 percent refund
  • Requests received after the start of the late registration: no refunds will be given

Cancellations MUST be notified in writing (e-mail) to the EURIPA Executive Secretary at The amount to be refunded will be calculated according to the date when the request for cancellation is received. All refunds will be processed within 30 days of the request.

Alternatively a registration may be transferred to another person without incurring any cost penalty.  The person to whom the registration will be transferred must have an EURIPA  account. The transfer can only be made to the same or a lower fee category (ie. the transferred person may be required to have a valid membership according to the fee category.)

EURIPA must be notified in writing as soon as possible and before the event is to begin, to request a transfer of registration.

No refunds will be given for social events and pre-conference workshop fees regardless of the date of the request.  If there is a waiting list the payment will be refunded and the place rebooked from the waiting list.

Cancellation Policy for Membership Payments

Membership fees, individual or organisational, are not refundable.

In case the same individual or institute accidentally pays more than once the latter transactions can be refunded after deducting any transaction fees incurred by the financial institutes.